
Self Managed Super Funds

This is an area of accounting and taxation that is currently being focussed on by the ATO and as such requires accurate accounting and taxation measures.

Specialist taxation strategies for self managed superannuation as as follows

  • Advice relating tax effective retirement income streams and pension planning*
  • Administration & compliance. Audit referal to a specialist independant accountant

Please contact us to discuss the effective use of accountants to administer your superannuation funds because at Grove Financial Group we provide access to both accountants and financial planning to best advise you on your situation.


* – Planning provided by Grove Wealth Pty Ltd or external registered financial planner of your choice.


“Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation”

Keeping you and your books up to date!

At Grove we make certain that we are up to date with all the latest in the Accounting world to give you the best possible service and results.